19 March 2011

A Pool Party

Today we went to Amber's pool party!

We started off the day by going to Barnes and Noble for a National reading of Eric Carle's "The Hungary Caterpillar". Basically they played the audio version read by the author on C.D. and the kids got to follow along with the book. When they were done the kids got to do arts and crafts. It was Fun and we got some new books too.

After that was done we went to the pool party!
Lots of swimming. Lots of good food. Lots of hanging out with awesome friends.

June 18th 2009, My munchkin was only 8 weeks 3 days old. This is the first time he was in a pool. It also happens to be the first day that he gave me a "real" smile.


18 March 2011

My little Rock Star!

Around here we like music. At almost any point in the day there is some type of music playing. We like a little bit of everything, but the majority of what is listened to is rock, metal, things with awesome guitar riffs. And apparently drum sounds. Because I have got a drummer in the making!!

Tomorrow we are going to Barnes and Noble for a "National" reading of "The Hungary Caterpillar" with Tammy and Rosaleigh, and then afterwards we are going to a pool party at Amber's!! Should be lots of fun.

13 March 2011

How is it two weeks into March already?!

I always thought that I was busy before, but this is C.R.A.Z.Y.

I am taking 4 classes this semester. Two of them are reading and writing intensive (Pyschology and The Developing Person). It does not help that both subjects are very dry to me so I literally start to fall asleep reading the material. But I am doing good in the classes.

I am loving my Anatomy and Physiology class. It is so neat to see how we are put together and how our bodies work and function together. The class is broken into two classes and this semester I am learning The integumentary system, skeletal and muscular system and the nervous system. I think I am most excited for BIO202 where we learn all the other systems.

Math class is moving along. I am learning a lot in this math class that was taught to us in our previous math class. I am really hoping to pass this class with a C grade, because if I do I am done with math! Yay!

I am looking forward to the end of this semester, not just for the break that we will get but because it means that next semester I only have two more classes to take until I apply for the Nursing program! I cannot wait! Taking two classes is going to be so nice! The only downer is that it is a two year wait to get into the nursing program, so I'll have to work on support courses inbetween.

Cain is getting so big. I cannot believe that my baby will be two in two short months. Where does the time go? As I got older I noticed that time really does fly, but I think having a kid really does put an emphasis on that. I mean, I just had Cain yesterday right? And now he's TWO? Two whole years? Again, C.R.A.Z.Y.
He is starting to talk more and more. He says some words really well like: Hi, Bye, Choochoo, shoe dad, fish, ball and shit. yes, my son has picked up a curse word. It's my fault really, as I use that word all the time. When I drop something, trip, hurt myself, mess something up (I am not very coordinated most of the time). I am trying to be more mindful of what I say, but it is hard. Which is weird cause I can go to work and turn it off no problem (I work in childcare). He is good at imitating animal noises, he loves to climb and he loves animals and other children. I wish I could take him to work with me. If he could be there more often he would love to have kids to play with.

I have been trying to get in some exercise too. I think that my weight may be causing heel issues (my heels hurt all the time) so I am trying to lose some weight. We have netflix so I have been trying out some of the work outs you can stream online. I like the ten minute pilates one. It is 5 different ten minute pilates work outs that target different areas. It is so hard to do them when Cain is awake though. He thinks it is a game and climbs all over me. It is so not easy trying to do pilates with a 30 pound almost two year old on you.

Homework Time! My munchkin is napping, and when you take online classes you don't get the luxury of a week off, so I am going to put up some pics, and do some homework.

Cain approved this Picture
Cain being cute in his wagon
Jav and I going out for sushi and to Barnes and Noble. Cain spent the night with Grandma

29 October 2010

Pumpkin Patch!

Yesterday we took Cain to Apple Annies Pumpkin Patch and Orchard. It was soo much fun! It was nice going during the week because there were not many people there and we pretty much had the Pumpkin patch all to ourselves for pumpkin picking! We ended the trip at The orchard with a nice picnic lunch!

Running at the Pumpkin patch!

Picking Pumpkins

Look at that face!

Playing with Grasshoppers

Lunch at the orchard

Sleepy ride home

It was a great day for all. We've got a lot of baby pumpkins that Cain brought home as well as a couple big ones that momma wanted for seeds and pumpkin pie making!

04 September 2010

September Beginnings

Wow. It has been a while since I've posted.
I need to try and write more posts. This blog was made with the intention of not having people read it (although it is nice that you do) but to sort of chronicle things that my son and I do. Not just together but things I do too. It'd be nice to have a log of that.
Speaking of which, I started school. So far all is going well, but we are two weeks in. I started out strong in my math class, biology is looking to be by far my favorite, spanish is pretty fun too, and psychology started out on a boring streak. I am hoping the psych class picks up or I fear that I will have a hard time with all that dry reading. Bio is fun because I got the lab kit and I love doing expirements. some days I really don't want to do anything and I wonder why I had to wait this long to go to school. I am tired a lot and I think that affects it too. I don't know if that is something that is a product of me being not very active, or what. It can't be because of Cain, he sleeps good, so I do too. He wakes up early, but that has been the norm for me since he was born, so that I should really be used too. I hate feeling tires so much. Some days are better than others but when I do feel that way I feel like I get nothing done. I am making a good attempt at keeping up with my classes and I think so far I am doing pretty good.
I've given up soda. I am on week 3 of no soda and I am so proud of myself. Soda was probably a bigger vice than smokes were, and I have gone without for 3 weeks so far. I still have had some caffine but not a whole lot. The first few days I went cold with none, and I took aspirin before the headache came just to kind of ward it off. After that I've had a cup of coffee here and a tea there but mostly it is water or vitamin water. now I just need to get more active. I need more hours in the day. Anyone wanna make some for me!?!
Cain is so much fun. now that he is older and playing and starting to talk I love being able to do things with him. I love seeing the look on his face when we do something fun like go to the zoo,and he sees the animals.He is still not saying much but there are things that it sounds like he is saying. I hear mama, dada, baby, and dog are the more apparent ones. he says go and up. and he is a MONSTER!!! My boy is huge! People don't believe me when I tell them how old he is, they always think he is older. His favorite thing to eat by far is watermelon. He absolutely loves it. The other day he was sitting in his highchair and we were giving him some and he had one a piece in his mouth, and oone in each and and he was whining for more on his try. I wish he felt that way about just one vegatable. He wont touch those.
So. School work is calling. I will update more often!

17 July 2010

Getting Closer!

The end of the summer is a little over a month away.... That makes me sad, and also a little excited. I am sad because it is going to be hard and I am going to have to juggle between school, work and the little guy and it is going to be exhausting. I have had such a good time with my sweets over the last two months it really makes me regret not doing the school thing before. But I am doing this for us. So I can support us. I am older and chose to do some stupid things in my youth, and I am paying for that now, but trying my damndest to get my life in order. But, as I approach 28, I know that I did not want to wait too long to have a family. Not only have I always wanted to be a mom, Some of the last lucid words my grandmother said to me were not to wait to have a family. So at 26 I decided to have a baby. I knew it was going to be hard, but my son is soo worth it. I want to be someone that he can look up too. I want to be a role model for him. If he decides that he would like to go to college, I would like him to have someone to guide him. I want to be able to support him without having to worry.
I also want my mother to have a child that she can be proud of. My brothers and I really chose paths that took us down some bad roads and while I was lucky and got on the right track soon after I turned 18 it took one of my brothers a little longer, and one is still battling his problems, so I want to do this for my mom. I want her to be able to say that she has a child that is college educated and that makes her proud. Not that she is not proud of me now. My mom is my best friend and she is very proud of how I turned myself around and am taking care of myself, but it would be nice to give her something to be super proud of.
I also want to do it because I promised my grandma that I would.
I am excited for school to start now that I have changed majors and I am excited to jump right in and get my hands dirty. I think I will do really well, I have always had an interest in science and stuff so the classes will be fun. I can't wait to get the prereq's done so that I can start the nursing program. I think after I have got the nursing part of it done, I want to look into what it would take for me to get my CNM (Certified Nurse-Midwife) because I want to be a L&D nurse, so why not go all the way and be someone who is actually allowed to deliver babies in non lifethreatening situations. That would be a dream. I am really hoping that with Cain being a little older this semester that it will be a little easier for me to do well in my classes. that way I can have more time for my baby boy.

I am going to pick up my school books today. I already have the math book and I was thinking of starting early on that so that I can get in as much practice as possible before next time.

So until next time, Pictures!
My sweets and I swimming

Uncle Bob's Elvis glasses

July '09


01 July 2010

For the love of......

Reading!! I love to read. One of the best things to me is being able to find a good story. I love books that make you not want to put them down. Books that make you kind of sad when you've finished them, because you wish the story would keep going. I love a book that can draw you into the story, you are there with the characters experiencing the story.

The best thing about summer vacation is that I have time to read stories and books I want to read. I wanted to share some of my all time favorites and books that I am reading right now.

Okay. If any of you know me by know you know that I have to start this post with my love, The Harry Potter Series (JK Rowling). This is one story that was able to make me live in the book, to experience it. I think it may just be the child in me. I love the way JK Rowling was able to create a whole new world while drawing parrallels to the world we know. Awesome fun stories and I CAN NOT WAIT until Cain is old enough to understand and have me read them to him.

I must admit I have been sucked into the Twilight Series (Stephanie Meyer). I love it. It is a good romance. the books are definietly better than the movies although the movies are pretty good too imo.

Gone With the Wind (Margaret Mitchell) and the sequal Scarlett (Alexandria Ripley) have been two of my favorites since my teen years. I watched GWTW first, and then read the book and I fell in love with it. I like the history in the story along with the romance.

The Late Great Me (Sandra Scoppettone)- this book I read when I was like 14. I forgot about it for a long time and started looking for it again about a year and a half two years ago. I could not remember the title, but remembered key points in the story. I googled it off and on for those 2 years and finally about 4 weeks ago I found it. Bought it on ebay for a total of like 6 buck with the shipping. I was sooo happy!!! This is a tragic story of a teen alcoholic and her journey through it. Good good story. Based in the 70's.

Now I could go off and do this forever but instead of giving descriptions I'll just say that a few more of my favorites are: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas(Hunter Thompson), Drowing Ruth (Chirstina Schwarz), The Lake of Dead Languages (Carol Goodman), Running in Heels (Anna Maxted. I've read a few by her and love them all), Can You Keep a Secret (Sophie Kinsella), Night (Elie Wiesel), Charlie Bone series (Jenny Nimmo), The Womans Murder club series ( James Patterson; although I haven't read any in a long time), Suzannes Diary for Nicholas (James Patterson), The Shining, and Cell (Both Stephen King).
Mr and Mrs. BoJo Jones (Ann Head), Tuck Everlasting (Natalie Babbitt), Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck) and Lord of the Flies (William Golding). All books from my preteen/ early teen years that I still own today (and read)

Also I Love Mary Higgins Clark books. There are 3 or 4 Danelle Steel books I like as well.

I am going to start reading Wicked this weekend. I started it a while back and it was good, but then school started and I was not able to finish it. Can't wait to read the story of the Wicked Witch. I have a Bill Hicks (my favorite comedian) biography that I want to read that I have had forever. It by Stephen King. those are the three that I have planned for now. I am longing for a trip to Barnes and Noble but you need money for that. Soon though. The smell of new books is calling my name and I will satisfy that craving soon.

So as you can see when it comes to books my choice is eclectic. What are some books that you all like to read? Favorites, good reads etc. I am always looking for more stuff to read so Let me know!!