Wow. It has been a while since I've posted.
I need to try and write more posts. This blog was made with the intention of not having people read it (although it is nice that you do) but to sort of chronicle things that my son and I do. Not just together but things I do too. It'd be nice to have a log of that.
Speaking of which, I started school. So far all is going well, but we are two weeks in. I started out strong in my math class, biology is looking to be by far my favorite, spanish is pretty fun too, and psychology started out on a boring streak. I am hoping the psych class picks up or I fear that I will have a hard time with all that dry reading. Bio is fun because I got the lab kit and I love doing expirements. some days I really don't want to do anything and I wonder why I had to wait this long to go to school. I am tired a lot and I think that affects it too. I don't know if that is something that is a product of me being not very active, or what. It can't be because of Cain, he sleeps good, so I do too. He wakes up early, but that has been the norm for me since he was born, so that I should really be used too. I hate feeling tires so much. Some days are better than others but when I do feel that way I feel like I get nothing done. I am making a good attempt at keeping up with my classes and I think so far I am doing pretty good.
I've given up soda. I am on week 3 of no soda and I am so proud of myself. Soda was probably a bigger vice than smokes were, and I have gone without for 3 weeks so far. I still have had some caffine but not a whole lot. The first few days I went cold with none, and I took aspirin before the headache came just to kind of ward it off. After that I've had a cup of coffee here and a tea there but mostly it is water or vitamin water. now I just need to get more active. I need more hours in the day. Anyone wanna make some for me!?!
Cain is so much fun. now that he is older and playing and starting to talk I love being able to do things with him. I love seeing the look on his face when we do something fun like go to the zoo,and he sees the animals.He is still not saying much but there are things that it sounds like he is saying. I hear mama, dada, baby, and dog are the more apparent ones. he says go and up. and he is a MONSTER!!! My boy is huge! People don't believe me when I tell them how old he is, they always think he is older. His favorite thing to eat by far is watermelon. He absolutely loves it. The other day he was sitting in his highchair and we were giving him some and he had one a piece in his mouth, and oone in each and and he was whining for more on his try. I wish he felt that way about just one vegatable. He wont touch those.
So. School work is calling. I will update more often!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago