24 April 2010

I am not conventional

Why do I say this? There are quite a few reasons.

First, which seems to be everyone's 'big thing', I am not religious. If I had to call it something, I would say I am 'agnostic atheist', that is to say, I do not believe in god, but I do not claim to know that a god does not exist. I do not believe in god because there is not concrete proof in my opinion to prove his existance. If someone could prove to me without a doubt that there was a god, I would believe. This makes me unconventional.

I could care less about appearance. I am not a girly girl. Sure sometimes I like to have a nice pair of shoes, or occasionally like to put makeup on, but I could not tell you the last time I wore a dress, or had a 'girls night out'. I am perfectly happy staying home, hair in a pony, jeans or sweats on and playing poker with the boys. Its been too long since we had a poker night. Hopefully when Jay comes we can squeeze one in.

I read. I like to learn. I could care less about 'celeb' gossip. I like rock music, but can pass on country. I like Barack Obama. I like black. Pink makes me sick. I love kids, but enjoy having quiet time. I like to indulge the kid in me, therefore I read things like Harry Potter and Twilight. I also am a romantic. I have the love of my life and the child I always wanted and while I would like to be married, I do it his way, because he means that much. And I am okay with it. I paint my toes but not my fingers. I weigh more than I should, but I think that if people really cared to know anything about me they could look past how I look, and I get proved right every day. I actually like my friends. I like to hang out with them, debate with them, be honest with them. Honest. There is a concept. More people should use it. I am not clicky. By this I mean that I am not going to try to be something I am not to get what I want.

I may not be conventional, but I think I am a good person. I am someone worth knowing. What does it matter what I wear or what I do or don't believe in? Sure people have to have some commonalities in order to hit it off, but variety is the spice of life, and friends are meant to learn and grow with each other. I love the friends I have. They mean so much to me. It is hard for me to let new people in cause it is so hard to know who you can trust anymore, and my fears on this point just grew when I had my son. But I always love to meet like (and unlike) minded people. Had to get that off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. What a great, honest, post! I know you are a great person - I hope you don't feel the need to defend that to anyone!
    Nothing wrong with a little unconventional, as long as you are being true to yourself. You are, and you rock :)
