25 June 2010

an Update and a Thank you!

So.... yeah.
I've not updated in quite a while and it is all because I really just haven't wanted too. Don't have an excuse, cause I've been home with the little man but I've just been doing other things. Like watching LOST. Jav and I loved LOST. But we got tired of the cliff hanger endings and so we quit watching, him at the end of season two and me in the middle of season three. Well, now that the series is over we are watching it!!! No cliff hanger endings for us!! lol

I went in to Pima the other day to fix some stuff that they had gotten mixed up regarding my major. I registered for a few different classes and dropped some that I had already registered for. I can't believe that I'll be back to soing school work in less than two months. Can't wait to have it all done! I am taking some spanish classes. I feel that it would be beneficial to know a second language and while I would like to learn something else like Russian or German, I think that Spanish would be more useful considering where I live.

My little man is such a big boy!! He is crusing all over the place. He hardly ever crawls anymore, but I noticed that with the crawling too. once he learned how to crawl up on his knees he no longer did the army crawl. now he walks. It is so amazing to look at him and think that a mere 15 months ago I was laying flat on my back trying to keep him inside. that a mere 13 months ago, he was born, that he looked so tiny and helpless and relied on me for everything. Now he is a very independant little boy, loves to constantly be moving or doing something, that he doesn't want mommy to hold him for more than a few minutes at a time, and he is suuuuch a daddy's boy. and here I am wanting to do it all over again. I can't wait to lose this weight so that I can give Cain (hopefully!!) a little sister :D

I want to sat thank you to my friend and Tattoo Artist Zip for providing me with the artwork for my new blog layout. Isn't it neat? Thanks Man, and I can't wait to have you Tattoo me!!


  1. Your blog looks great! And that little guy of yours just keeps getting bigger and bigger!

  2. Love the new layout, and the photo above. That is a keeper!
