28 December 2009

What a Christmas!!

I had such a great Christmas!! It was soo much fun to have my lil guy with me, even though his fascination extended pretty much to the wrapping paper of his presents lol! Our Christmas started on the 24th, when my mom's side of the Family celebrates Christmas. I got my yearly call that mom needed help wrapping her presents so I headed over to her house, and of course we procrastinated by putting Cain under the tree and taking pictures!!He thought it was fun to pull at the branches he could reachI really don't know what he is doing here lolAll that playing sure wore him out!
Christmas day started out with Cain and I getting up early and going to my moms to open the presents she didnt bring to my Aunts house. Of course more pic of Cain with the tree ensued.Are all these mine mom?Wow what is this?!My handsome boy and I Cain with his presents

After we left my mom's we went home to go pick up Jav and started to head out to his mom's house. We had to turn around less than half way there cause I am a dummy and let my car run out of oil. Rosie ended up coming to get us so we still got to hang out at Jav's moms. It was a long weekend and Cain was exhausted as was I but we both had fun. My brother came over sunday to change my oil and dad came over to get his pressies. Cain has now got a ugly cough and was stuffy for awhile there but I've been running the vaporizor and Gramma Rosie bought him Baby Vicks and he is already starting to sound much better.

I scored at walmart this morning! I went to buy Cain's formula and found that it was only 21.00 at Walmart!! Add to that one of the 5.00 off coupons I have and I only paid 16.00 for the big tub of formula!! SCORE!! haha

I've got to take a CPR/First Aid certification class this weekend, on saturday. My boss scheduled it for the weekend of the 9th, which she gave me off before hand because I have other plans that weekend, and so now I have to do it on my own time. Oh well, I do it now and its done and I dont have to worry about it.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!! Stay safe and have fun!

20 December 2009

Really?! Christmas is 5 days away?!

I can't believe that Christmas is 5 days away? Where the hell did my year go? I can tell you that a good portion of my year was spent in bed, literally. From February 5th to about May 23rd I spent consistantly in bed making sure my baby didnt come early. 15 weeks. wow. To think that when that was all happening I thought that there was no end in sight and it seemed as though I would be in bed forever. that was 7 months ago. Next week, exactly 7 days from today my son will be 7 months old. I can't believe it. I am so happy that I made it through all that. and so so very lucky.

I can't wait to share Christmas with Cain. He may be to young to remember anything but I am so happy to have him with us. He is the light of my life and he makes everything so awesome. I can't wait to take him to my aunt's house on christmas eve as is our tradition and make him a part of that tradition. It makes me sad to think that this will be the second christmas without Grandma Sam and that he will never get to know her. But even though I don't really believe in god and all that, I do believe that she brought me and saved my wonderful little boy. If it was not for grandma watching over him, I firmly believe I wouldnt have my handsome little boy. Thank you Grandma Sam. Can't wait til were all together again. I love you.

It will be neat to make our own traditions as well. We have our own little family unit now so we need to start coming up with our own things. Especially once our family expands and it gets hard to take more than one kid to 4 different places every year.

18 December 2009

Pregnancy Story Part 5: 19 week anatomy scan and a Cerclage

So February 5th was the big day for my anatomy scan. I was going by myself that day, because Jav had to work, he had gotten a new position at work and could not miss any time do to being in training. We had decided to not find out the sex of the baby anyhow so all he really was going to be missing was seeing the baby on the screen. My appt was scheduled for 215 so I left work at about 140 and went to obstetrix. I actually got in pretty quick being back in the sonogram room at 220. The teach, Becca, started my scan and took her time measuring the baby. When it came time for her to take a look at that area she asked if I wanted to know the sex and I told her no, so she told me to look away so there were no accidents. After she finished there she was scanning around, and she said that she found something she did not like and asked if she could do a vaginal ultrasound. I agreed so she left the room so that I could get undressed. When she came back she started the scan and she said that what she was seeing was not good. She told me that my cervix was really short and had already begun to dilate. She wanted to go get the doctor to talk to me and she said that I should call my work to tell them that I would not be back that day. I was freaking out. I knew that I was not supposed to be dilating that early so I started crying and was really scared. I called my work and I started explaining to Susan what was going on and she was relaying to Eileen. Susan said "so what does this mean?" and Eileen in the background snapped "It means she is not coming back today". She was mad that I would not be back. I was hurt, because here I am scared and not knowing what was going on and my work is mad cause I cant come back. That made it even worse. So the tech comes back and takes me to the Doctor's office. The doctor explained to me that I was 1cm dilated already and that my cervix was measuring 1.1 cm in length (which is really short). She explained that I had two options at that point. One of the options was to go home and do bedrest and hope that the baby stayed put until it was supposed to come. The other option she gave me was to get a Cerclage, She explained that a cerclage was a procedure where they are basically stitching your cervix shut. She did explain that of course there were risks with this procedure, like possibly rupturing the amniotic sac or infection that would cause the baby to come anyway. She also explained that this was not a gaurantee that the baby would not come early but it was an attempt and that it does work sometimes. This was so hard for me, because Jav was not with me, I was forced to make quick and possibly life saving decisions for our baby all by myself. I was so scared. I decided to get the cerclage. So the doctor found someone to take me over to the hospital (obstetrix is contracted with the hospital to provide high risk care, so they are on the hospital grounds) andthe whole time we were walking over there the lady kept saying "I wish I had a wheel chair for you, you should not be walking!" which was freaking me out even more, she was making it sound like my baby was going to fall out right there (Which I later find out just how serious it could be). They admitted me through triage rather than making me go through the front of the hospital and got me changed into a gown and put me in a bed. They put an iv in my arm and they drew blood and made me give a urine sample and they had me wait becasue they were also going to make me have an amniocentisis but the doctor had to do that. So as I was sitting in the room by myself waiting for the doc to come in, I called my mom and told her what was going on, and I called Jav's brother and toldhim to please bring Jav as soon as Jav got off work, and explained to him what was going on. I called my work back to tell them what was going on and this time Eileen was alot more understanding. After that I watched TV until the doctor came in with the sonogram machine to do the amnio. Her and a nurse were going to so it so they iodined my belly and they started looking for a spot to stick the needle. The doctor poked it to make sure the baby wouldn't move, so of course it did. We went through this about three ti8mes before she was able to get the needle in to get the fluid she needed. She sent the fluid off for testing because they could not do a cerclage if there was an infection in there. She said it did not look infected though. She showed it to me and said that if it were infected most the time it would be cloudy and mine was nice and clear. So after that I was left alone til people came. I watched TV, but not really hearing it or anything. I spent alot of time looking at my sonogram pictures and hoping that this procedure would work for me. Finally Jav and Babby got there around 5ish and I filled Jav in on everything and he said that he agreed with my choices. So we mostly sat around, the boys talking about things and me just listening. My mom showed up after awhile. Bobby went out to meet his dad and step mom, we were supposed to have dinner with them that night, and when Jav told them what was going on and cancelled they decided to come. On the way back in, Bobby ran into Jess, She is an old friend of Jav's and is a nurse at the hospital. So she took over being my nurse which was nice, because She told jav everything we needed to know. She did say that I was more than likely going to have to be on bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy, even with the cerclage. So that was another thing I started to worry about. My bills and such. What the hell was I going to do?!? So we all sat around everyone talking, I mostly just listening. I wasnt in much of a talking mood, and so I just sat there. Finally around 830 or 9ish they moved me to labor and delivery where I met with the guy that was going to give me the epidural for the procedure. around 10 is when they came and got me and took me to an OR. Once in there they gave me the epidural, and then they got to work. Michael, the epidural guy, stayed there and talked with me throughout the procedure, and I listened to my ipod. It took a little longer than expected because they had a hard time plaing it, but eventually got it. So when we were done, they took me back to the L&D room to recover. I was there til about 1 am when they moved me to the anti partum unit. I didnt get that much sleep that night because of the catheter, andwoke up the next morning to the nurse checking my vitals. I asked her to take the catheter out and she said that they couldnt yet but she would ask. It came out around 9 am and then I was taken to get another TVU to see how the cerclage was holding. It had given me a little more length and closed me up so I was not dilated anymore. I got more sonogram pictures which I liked. They kept me in the hospital til saturday afternoon and then sent me home with instructions to stay in bed at least until my next TVU a week away. So I went home and started my bedrest journey.

06 December 2009

19 Days Til Cain's First Christmas

I can't believe we are 19 days away from christmas already. 21 days away from Cain turning 7 months old. Time flies a hell of a lot faster when you have a child. Everyone told me this before I had him, but know I can see it. My tiny baby that was 6.12 when he was born is a whooping 20.9 pounds, 27 inches (almost a whole 10 inches longer than when he was born. he was 19 inches at birth). I can't believe that we are less than 2 months away from the anniversary of when I went on bed rest. Was that really a year ago already? I have a hard time believing it.
I watch him growing and learning and it amazes me every day to see the ways he changes and to see him going through the stages of growth babies go through. To watch him learn how to roll over. Learning how to grab toys. Smile. Coo. Laugh. I new I wanted to be a mother ever since I was little but I never knew that it would have such an impact on me. This was meant for me I know it. I will do it all again when we are ready to give Cain a brother or sister. Everything I went through is nothing compared to what some women have to go through, and I would do it all again to have another lil one. Everything is so worth it.
I know that this Christmas Cain will still be to young to have the absolute excitement that children have at these times in the year, but it will still be fun. Buying all his "firsts". His first Christmas ornament. Stocking. His first picture with Santa. His first Picture in front of his first Christmas tree. I plan on buying a wooden box from Michaels and decorating it with boy colors and putting the words "Cain's Firsts" on it. It will be a special box for him with all his first things that I have already begun saving. His first bottles he used when home from the hosptial, His first Passy's and his First Thanksgiving bib. His first Christmas ornament will go in there too after it has been on the christmas tree. Same with his first stocking etc. It is also going to be fun to watch him grow into all the toys he is going to get and be able to play with them all. I can't wait until he starts sitting up and crawling.

Jimmy and his girlfriend cam over and met Cain yesterday. Megan said that she would like to get Cain and Ireland together so that they can play with one another. I think this is a fabulous idea because Cain not being in daycare, he does not get the interactions that other kids do so I think this would be just perfect for him. Ireland is 4 months older than him, but I think that they would have fun. At least I hope lol. And lastly, what would a post be without pictures!!

My Handsome Baby in his bumbo
My Sleeping Angel
My, What a Handsome smile
Waking up mommy in the morning!
Going for a chilly early morning shopping adventure! All bundled up!

26 November 2009

6 Months Ago Today and Tomorrow

Damn. I cannot believe that six months ago today I was supposed to be attending a gestational diabetes class. That as registering for that class I thought I peed my pants in the worst way. That I then realized my water broke! 6 months ago today started the journey that would bring my son into the world on the 27th. I can't believe my baby boy will be 6 months old tomorrow. In less than 24 hours. that at 2:48am I met the best little boy in the whole world who changed my life forever, and I now could not imagine my life without him.
My baby boy at the Park

Today on Thanksgiving I am thankful for my little boy. The rough road and downright scary moments throughout my pregnancy make me so grateful that he is here and safe and healthy. I am grateful that I have such great people in my life that love my son as much as I do. I am grateful that I have a mom who is always there for me and helps me out with everything and is my best friend. I am grateful for a boyfriend who loves his son, and me, and when the going got tough, he stayed. I am grateful for a "mom in law" (not married but she might as well be) That does more than I can say for me and my son. I have a lot to be grateful for and this year I am able to see it more than years past. I love everyone. :)

My Mom and My baby boy

22 November 2009

Pregnancy Story Part 4: Smooth Sailing

So after the first sonogram there was not much to report. I had an easy first half of my pregnancy. I was tired all the time but I didn't have much other symptoms. I did not have the morning sickness, sore boobs or any of that. It was alot easier than I expected it to be. I continued to work and go to school. I went to my doctors appointments once a month. Jav went with me when he could. They finally found the heartbeat on the doppler so we got to listen to the baby's heart beat at the appointments. I quit smoking as well. I didn't mention it in a previous post, but I quit smoking just before going to the sonogram, in November. I didn't go back to smoking either, That makes it a year this month that I have now been a non smoker. So we went on with the appointments and everything was fine. I was asked to come in early to do the glucose test. Being a heavier patient, they wanted to test me early. So I went in to take the one hour, and of course failed it. Does anyone pass the one hour? I've never heard of it. Anyhow, so I had to go back for the 3 hour. I had to take some time off of work for it and I went on a Tuesday. December 3rd. I took my schoolwork with me so that I had something to keep me occupied. This time the stuff was not as good, it was more sweet (I liked the stuff the first time around, I had the orange.) So I had my blood drawn, drank the stuff and then sat there for three hours and had my arm poked every how on the hour. I used to have good viend in my arm, but after this pregnancy, I think they are collapsed lol. So I finished up and they told me that I could call in a couple of days to find out the results. I left and headed off to work. When I got to work I used the bathroom, and something unsusal happened. **this is where my disclaimer comes into effect** I didn't think anything of it but I had a large amount of clear discharge. Like on huge glob. I thought it looked like snot. I had heard that it was normal to have an increase in discharge in pregnancy so I just thought that this was finally starting to happen to me. I went about my day like nothing happened. This brings us up to the 3rd. Two days away from the big anatomy scan! and consequently the worst day of my whole pregnancy.

19 November 2009

tiredness with a crazy schedule

I'm so tired. All the time. Have been since the baby's been born. At first I thought that I would get over it, you know, the new baby sleepies, when your up every 3 hours and such. But I am getting decent sleep now. Have been for quite some time. But I still find it hard to get out of bed. I find it hard to get up with the baby, hard to get up to go to school, just hard to get up period. I need to see a doctor, but I have to battle with DES to get my AHCCCS back. *sigh* There is always so much to do. Wake up. Feed and change baby. Do whatever dishes the boys dirtied the night before, or I didnt feel like washing before going to sleep. play with baby, giving him plenty of interaction time. Feed baby and get him down for first nap. Do some homework. Laundry. go to school. more dishes. fold laundry. go to work. watch other peoples kids for 4 hours a day. go home. get baby back and take care of him til bed time anywhere between 630/700 ish. sometimes make dinner. do dishes. shower. go to bed. repeat. The practicum I am doing is interesting and the teacher mentoring me is awesome. I just feel so bad because I get so tired by the middle of the day I am practically falling asleep in her class. It has got to get better I know it has. It just seems to be taking so long. **Yaaaaawn** going to bed. Night all.

My Dad and Cain

Pregnancy Story Part 3: First Sonogram

So my first sonogram was to date my pregnancy. We set it for December 4th because it was a Thursday and Jav had Thursdays off. I had to work but they gave me the time off to go to the sonogram. I came and picked up Jav and we headed off to Obstetrix. This was to date my pregnancy because we were not so sure what the due date was. I was supposed to be 15 weeks according to my last period, but the Midwife said that my uterus did not feel that big. So when we got to Obstetrix I had to fill out all the paper work and stuff and then we had to sit and wait for awhile. Apparently Obstetrix was a high risk practice contracted with the hospital, but it was also where lots of local doctors sent their patients to get sonograms. I would learn all about this later.So when we finally got called back we went back with the lady and she got us all set up in a room, and then the sonogram was under way!! we saw our little baby doing little flips in my tummy, it was the coolest thing!! she measured the baby and took some pics for us, and then we got to hear its heartbeat!! We hadnt been able to with the doppler yet, so this was the first time. I think at that moment is when it became real to the both of us. I got all teary-eyed and Jav was laughing and saying " How cool". We left with a revised due date from May 25th to June 28th. A five week difference!! We also left with some cute sonogram pics!

My sweet first sono pics!

14 November 2009

Christmas shopping should not be like pulling teeth!!

I am so proud of myself for being a responible mommy and getting a lot of my homework done last night so that I could spend the day with my gorgeous, handsome, baby boy!! yay me!! We got up this morning around 6:30 (Cain does not yet realize that that is a god awful hour to be awake, but this morning mommy took it in stride) and we hung out with Jav a bit before he went to bed. I realized that my pay check should have come through today and so I called my bank to get the balance. Sure enough it was there. It was then that I got the bright idea to get my Christmas shopping done early!I wasn't even going to do Christmas this year, what with work cutting my hours in half and me basically now only making enough to cover my bills and have just a little money left over. Well, I changed my mind. I decided to get christmas presents mostly for the kids, but got one for my Mom and Marcos, I got one for Rosie and I am gonna get one for my dad and Jav with my next "free" (non-rent)check. I got Alexis (Marcos's niece who grew up with around us, she is ten) and Elisa (my niece) these little princess dolls that are miniature and they come with a couple of different snap on outfits. I got my cousin Sammy (who is 14) a $15 gift card to I tunes because apparently she got an I pod touch and is all into that now. I got PJ (my Nephew) and Emmett and Stefan (my 8 and 10 year old little brothers) Transformers. Cain got 3 new books (4 if you count the Polar bear one I've already read to him) one of those ring stacker things where the rings are stacked on the yellow post and get smaller towards the top and I got him this little froggy rattle (momma's trying to pass her obession with froggies on to her son) that comes with these little pop boxes where you can push the thing in and it pops out. I don't think I'll share the adult gifts, don't want to spoil any surprises. I am glad that I got my shopping done before Thanksgiving this year. I hate trying to shop after Thanksgiving, hell I hate doing anything that involves going to a store after Thanksgiving. But it is done, and I hope that the last two gifts I have to run out and buy wont be too much of a hassle.
I did dress Cain in his little outfit we recieved in the mail the other day from his great Aunt Bibi. He looked so cute. I am not a NBA fan so I dont mind that she sent a Spurs outfit. Hell, Sean Elliot played for them along with Steve Kerr so they got some of there best players from right here (UofA).

pregnancy story part 2: First Doctor's Appointment

So after all the waiting for my first appointment, and believe me, it seemed to take for ever, came around on November 20th. We got to do all the paper work (well, I got to do it) and then we met with the midwife. I was going to The Birth and Women's Helath Center and we were considering delivering there too. So when we met with the midwife she asked a bunch of questions, and afterwards we tried to get the heartbeat with the doppler. We were not able to pick it up and that made me kind of nervous. The midwife, after feeling my abdomen said that it was nothing to worry about. I was supposed to be 13 weeks pregnant based of my LMP (Last Menstral Period) but the midwife said that i was more like 8 to 10 weeks based on the size of my uterus. They had me do a pap and some blood work and they got what days worked best for me so that they could get me set up with a sonogram to date my pregnancy. So we left that appointment looking forward to getting a sonogram done. I had already told everyone on my side that I was pregnant but Jav kept holding out. I think he was nervous that I was going to miscarry like I did the last time. I was being optimistic. Everything was looking good so far so I thought that this time was going to be better than the last time. After all this time it was planned and not a surprise. We were happy about this. We wanted it. and here it was :)

13 November 2009

What's right?

My Little Guy's First time in jeans
Looking back at my last post where I said " if I had done things right the first time...." well I've been thinking alot about that today. Maybe it is because I am tired, maybe it is because I am staying up to get homework done so that I can spend the day with my baby and not at the computer, that it got me thinking again "man, if I had only done this right the first time"... but really if I did where would I be? Certainly not in the shoes I am in today.

If I had stayed in high school, I would have possibly went to college straight out of high school. I could be done with my degree and teaching by now. Hell, I could have probably even payed off my student loans! I would have a job at a local school, health benefits, vacation and sick time. I would have more time to spend doing my own thing. More time with my son. But wait. ig I had taken that path, would I have even had my son.

I dropped out of high school. I spent my time sleeping all day and going to raves at night. This is where I met Rachel, who in turn introduced me to Sarrah. I was in need of a job at the time I met Sarrah, and when it came to it, she told me to come and apply at her work (APAC). I went and got my GED because you had to have one to work there. Three days after recieving my pass on the GED I got the Job at APAC. This is where I met Javier.

If I had not met javier I certainly would not have my son. I may have another little boy, or girl with someone else, and I am sure if that was what had happened I would lovethat baby either way. But it would not be my son. Cain. My baby. It would not be part of my love, Jav.

Every choice I have made in my life has brought me to where I am today. On nights like this when I am tired and wanting to sleep and doing homework so that I can start a career I probably should have started when I was 24, I can think to myself, "damn, why didn't I just do it then?" but then I look at what I have and I KNOW that I would not change what I have right now in this moment for anything in the world. I love my little family and this will pass, and we will make it. Together.
My Handsome boy

11 November 2009

It Wasn't So Bad

So yesterday I started the teaching practicum that I have to do. I was at a local middle school in a 6th grade classroom. I'll start off by saying that 6th graders are not what I expected them to be, in a good way! I thought that they were very well behaved and not the crazy wild children I expected them to be. Kendra, The woman I was observing, is an awesome teacher. She was really good with the kids and she had a very neat teaching style. I hope that I can become just as an effective teacher. I will say that it was sort of weird to be observing with someone my own age. If I had done things right the first time, I could be where she is right now. But I look at it as better late than never. I did somethings in my life the wrong way and I am making up for it now, but the point is I AM making it. I AM doing what I need to do to be better for myself and my family. It was hard to be away from Cain all day. I was gone from 7 30 am til 6 30 pm. Almost 12 hours away from my sweet baby boy! I know that I have spent longer than that away from him when he spends the night with my mom, but still. It was hard.

I've got another round of it tomorrow. So it will be a long day for me and a long day for Jav as he is going to have to watch the lil guy all morning and afternoon. That normally is not a problem but since Jav works nights he is normally on that schedule. So it is going to be a really long day for him and I feel bad. Ive worked it out with my work so that I can have the next two Tuesdays off so that I can stay at the school all day and cut down on the amount of days I have to do the practicum. plus I can help Jav out a bit.
Here are some pics of the Lil guy I took within the last few days

My lil guy loves his peas.... and Cowboys! lol

He's got toys, but prefers the toes!

Forever after the toesies!

He is getting so big so fast and it is amazing to watch the way he grows and learns new things every day. I am honored to be his mommy and I love him so very much :D

09 November 2009

Pregnancy Story Part 1:The Beginning

Jav and I have been together for quite awhile now. over 5 years is you do not count the split we had for a few months in 2006. we got back together right at the end of 2006 and in may of 2007 we found out I was pregnant. We were both scared to death (Jav more so than myself) and were not really ready to take this on. Well, I ended up having a miscarriage. The doctor said that it was a chemical pregnancy, in other words, I found out way to early, and it ended really before it began. I think it worked out for the best.

Fast forward to 2008. Jav and I are still happily together, infact for the first time ever he asked me to move in. So we are living together (including his brother Bobby) and We are getting closer. 2008 is a big year in a sad way because this is the year that we lost my Grandma Sam. Well for awhile Jav had been saying here and there how it would be cool to have a baby and that I would be a good mom and how he thought that we would make a good parenting team. So one day I asked him straight if he wanted to have a baby. He said yes. So this was basically the planning of Cain to come :)

In October, I had a missed period, which was nothing new for me, being as irregular as I am, but this time I had symptoms from the first time I was pregnant. The extreme tiredness. So I went and bought a home pregnancy test and took it, and got a negative. "oh well" I thought, "we'll keep trying". well a few days later the tiredness seemed to be getting worse so I decided to take another test since the box comes with three. On October 18th 2008 I found out I was pregnant. Jav had already gone to work, So I called Nicole because I could not contain my excitement. We talked for a long while and she told me to go to the birth center, that they would give me a free pregnancy test and the paper work I needed to get approved for AHCCCS. When Jav came home for lunch, I showed him the test. We were so excited!! I culd not wait to get this all going. That Monday, I went down to the birth center and they gave me a test. They estimated my due date at May 25th 2009 and gave me the paper work needed. I got an appointment set up with them and had to play the waiting game all the way to November!

*Sigh* so much to do, so little time in a day...

It feels as though I am constantly doing something... Working, School, Homework, watching the little guy.. and Now I am adding a 'practicum' to the list of things to be done. That is, I have to spend 30 hours in a classroom for my EDU200 class. I am looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. It'll be fun to look at teaching from a teachers perspective and I like the woman I am going to be working with. She is a parent of one of the children at my daycare. I look forward to working with her. I am dreading it because of how long I'll have to be away from Cain in a day. I'm pretty much going to be gone from 730 am til 615 pm. I have never been away from my baby that long except for the 2 times my mom kept him over night and those were hard! I'm gonna miss my lil guy.

I've been trying to get ahold of DES to see why they keep denying my application saying I already have coverage, but I do not. These people are damn idiot and they are the most unhelpful people ever. I understand that they deal with alot of people who are more than likely going to spend their lives living off of the services DES provides, but that does not mean that they can treat everyone that way. I am a working, school attending parent. I can't afford health insurance at the moment, so yes, I need AHCCCS. Am I going to be on it forever? HELL NO! Contrary to what most people think, I would like to be able to support myself and my child someday, why do you think I am going to school? Oh well, I'll save that battle for Friday, when all I have to do is work.

For now, I will type up another post regarding the baby journey. Thanks for reading :)

08 November 2009


I thought that I should probably add this:

If you get uncomfortable about people being forthright about their medical issues, this is probably not the blog for you. I had a rather unusual pregnancy and I would like to share my experience about ALL of it. From when I found out to the complications to the birth. Of course I will share other day to day things, but this will be a big part of my blog. Thanks :)

My first Blog!

This is my first blog :)

I am hoping that with everything going on I can keep up with it, I think it'll be fun to chronicle stufff and since I am on the computer more than not these days, It'll probably be easier to keep up here than in my journaling.

I will back track somewhat, seeing as the most significant thing that has ever happened to me happened 5 months ago (the birth of my son) and I would love to share my journey and birth story and beyond. Most of that will be copy and pasted along with little added parts here and there. Then of course sharing the rest!

I look forward to getting started!