27 March 2010

Happy Ten Month Baby Boy!!

March 27th 2010.
My baby boy is 10 months, 19 hours and 10 minutes old!!!! (born at 2:48am, Just being silly)
He will be O-N-E in 2 short months!! Where did my 6 lb 12 oz bundle of cuddles go?!? I now have a 10 month old, teething (his third tooth is starting to cut), into everything, pulling up and walking around stuff, cute, fun sweet big baby. I love him SOOOO MUCH!!

So we couldn't let him have his ten month without doing anything fun! So we went to the zoo. This was Cain's first time to the zoo. HE LOVED IT. It was so cute to see him get excited over the different animals. He got to feed the giraffe. (okay, I fed the giraffe, but I did put it in his hand to have him try to give it to the giraffe. I had to take it away cause he wanted to eat it, and I didnt want a giraffe tounging my son)he liked the duckis in the Koi pond. He was laughing and talking it was so cute. He also liked the jaguar. It was pacing in a spot where he could easily see it and he was just talking away to the jag. it was so fun.

Afterwards we went to Mcdonalds. I bought him a plain hamburger and we tried the meat with him today. He liked it! Its soo neat to see him start to eat the same food as us. Soon we are not going to need baby food and I am going to have a ton of it I am not going to know what to do with.

We are doing Easter tomorrow. My Niece and Nephew are moving to Texas with there mother, so my mom wanted to do easter with them before they go. She also has to work on Easter. So Cain and I are going to get up early and go spen time at Gramma Laurie's.

Here are zoo pics!!

Cain and Mommy with the elephants

Cain "Feeding" the Giraffes

Cain, The Giraffe and I

Cain watching the duckies

still watching duckies

Checking out the Jaguar

21 March 2010

9 more weekends!

When you look at it that way it makes the rest of the school year seem a lot shorter than what it feels like. I am looking forward to that summer vacation, because I am tired of having all this on my plate. When I talk about it it does not seem like much, but when your doing it all it is exhausting. I am ready to just have a few months to work my 4 hours, and spend the rest of the time hanging with my little guy and reading stuff for me and not for school. AND 10 more weekends until Cain's first birthday party!

Friday was horrible. Well actually Thursday night was horrible. I had the worst tooth pain. I've had pain like this before. Where your not even able to sleep because it hurts so bad. Can't eat. Can't sleep. You feel the throbbing behind your eye and in your ear and its all because or your tooth. So what do you do? Well in my case, with no dental insurance or money for dental work, I went friday and had it pulled. They actually ended up taking two because the one next to the one in pain was broken really bad and they said it was infected and she would have to take both of them so as to keep my gums from getting infected. so it was no big deal. The part that I am usually afraid of, the shot into the tooth to numb it didnt even hurt this time, that is how bad the pain was. My mom was supposed to watch Cain while I was at work, but I called in on friday to go have that done, so she picked me up and went with me to the dentist. To watch Cain and so I wouldnt have to drive. I love my mother. She is my best friend. She does so much for me and I hope one day I can take care of her as she has me. Anyhow, we ended up getting sone at the dentist earlier than I expected but I still didnt go to work because of the meds. Although as soon as that numbing agent wore off I felt 100 times better than what I did. So I went with my mom to go pay some of her bills and get my perscriptions filled. It was a long day and that night, I fell into bed and slept sooooo good. after not sleeping the night before It was nice to sleep through the night. Even Cain let me sleep.

Saturday we went to the Ren fest with my mom and Marcos. Cain's first Ren Fest and I forgot my camera!! How lame is that! I did buy a disposable though so that I could have some pictures, but man they sure make you appreciate the digitals. Anyhow, it was hard but I did manage to eat myself a turkey leg. One of the best reasons to go to the Ren Fest. We watched the Ded Bob show, the Tortuga twins and my favorite Tom Selectomy The Sword Swallower. The guy is Hilarious. I got me some good Garlic mustard (Sweet and spicy and Jalapeno)That is tasty with pretzel sticks. When we got home Cain was tuckered so we put him to bed and then went to Walmart (Jav's brother Bobby (our roommate) stayed with Cain.) I got New Moon since it came out on DVD yesterday! Its actually pretty good about following the story as the book told it. I also got a case for my DS. Ahh the little things.

It is back to the grind tomorrow. I get to see all my "little" friends. I need some girlfriends. Some people to just go out and have a few beers, some sushi and good times with. Haley, I MISS YOU!!! You need to move back to Tucson (we can kick the ex out! lol)I miss the laid back times we would have drinking beers at your house watching elections, playing board games,just having fun. Goodtimes. ahh well, Pictures!

Haley and I on my 24th birthday, October 14th 2006

My sweets

MY boys

Spaghetti Face!

This picture speaks for itself LOL

14 March 2010

Pregnancy Story part 6: Not doing a whole lot. Literally.

I figured since I haven't done one of these in a while it would be a good idea to do one now. after getting the cerclage I was sent home on bed rest for a week and then I had to go back to get a CL (cervical length) check and they would determine from there where the bed rest would go. Well, the week of bed rest went by pretty fast. When friday came around Jav took me to my appointment so that I had some support. We got in the room and they did the sonogram, and they said that my cervix was back down to a 1.2. She said that she also thought that I was contracting so I was sent over to the hospital to be monitored. I, of course started freaking out again and Jav was trying to calm me down. I got put into a triage room and they hooked me up to a contraction and heart monitor. Luckily Jess was there that day so she was our nurse again. Dr. Miller was the Doctor that was attending that night and he came in and started talking about how we are almost to 24 weeks, but at 24 weeks that does not mean we will get to take a baby home that is just the gestation they try to save them. He said that ideally they wanted me to make it to 28 weeks, but even then there are complications. He started talking about doing a second cerclage and left Jav and I to talk about it. Jav and I decided that we would not want to do a second cerclage (at this point I didnt know all I do now about Incompetent Cervix or else I would have definitely said go ahead on a second) After two hours of monitoring, which I only had two contractions that they think were caused by the sonogram (all my CL checks were internal sonograms) I was sent home on bed rest until further notice. I wont bore you with the details of 16 weeks of bed rest. I will tell you that I spent 95% of my time on line and the other 5% reading, playing DS, watching movies, sleeping, or sneaking out for car rides. A couple of times I had Jav take me to my work cause I missed the kids. I would always leave there a mess. Crying and everything. I missed them so much. Much much more than I thought I would. I never realized how attached I got to them. There were lots of tests in between, I had to re-take the 3 hour glucose test (the birth center made me take it early cause I was overweight)I had to do a 24 hour urine catch cause of high blood pressure.I had to do an echocardiogram? to make sure my heart rate was fine. It had been high at a few of my doc appointments, but I am pretty sure lots of laying around with no activity had something to do with that. As we neared the end, my amniotic fluid was too high so they started making me do twice weekly Non-Stress Tests (NST's). I guess because high amniotic fluid was a sign of gestational diabetes and my glucose numbers coming back a bit on the high side (the never outright said that I had GD they said I had Glucose Intolerence in pregnancy) they made me start doing the NST's and they were going to schedule me for a diet class. This took them months to do. Finally in the beginning in May they got me set up for it. I was scheduled to take it May 26th at 3 pm. This would be my last day as a pregnant woman.
This was around 28 weeks. Bedrest is NOT glamour! lol

Where has the sleep gone?

Man I am tired. Cain is napping and I planned on napping while he was, but there was a laundry basket full of clothes looking at me saying I have been waiting for DAYS to be folded. So I just had to do it. I could not neglect it any longer. Now I know that if I were to try and take that nap now Cain would wake up. It always happens that way.Besides, I should probably get him up soon or else he will not fall asleep til later tonight and Ive got some algebra homework to do. Fun!

Jav woke me up this morning to go to breakfast and to take me to target! He got a bonus so we went and got some fun stuff at target instead of stuff that is needed. That is always fun. I got Cain some more jammies, a cute little T-Rex shirt and 4 books. We also got him a cute little monkey blanket and towel 'cause he's our liitle monkey. :D I got myself another shirt and pair of pants from the sleep wear section. The have these nice soft tank tops that are 7.99 and I've bought eight of them so far. The funny part are that 3 are the same color (gray) and 3 are another color (dark blue) and then two are the other two colors they had. I love pj's and would wear them every where if I could. I also looked at shoes, I was actually going to buy a pair of heels, but they did not have my size. I think I should own at least one pair of black heels incase I ever need to dress up (and to say I own a pair of heels lol)

I had a doctors appointment friday. I got to talk to Dr. Tran about the damage that was done when the cerclage ripped through my cervix. She said that it is healing nicely and that it would be good for another cerclage. The only problem is that it is naturally shorter than what it should be and that I WILL need a cerclage again, and possibly bedrest. I was most worried about the damage. Someone told me that with the damage I would probably have to go with a TAC (Trans-abdominal cerclage) and I kind of want to avoid that option if I can. I would like to have the birth experience again and with a TAC that is an automatic c-section. I would like to avoid invasive, major surgery at all costs.

I reaalllyyy dislike Sundays. Even more than Mondays. At least with Mondays the week has started, there is nothing you can do about it but get through it. Sundays, while giving me an sweet sweet extra day with my baby, also leave the fact of monday looming over your head. Its not that I dislike working or anything, I love the kids, and if it wasnt for them I probably wouldnt be working,but I'd like to stay home with my baby, and do school. That would be wonderful. I could finish up school and take care of my lil guy. perfect world, right?

You can just barely see his toofies!!
I love the look on his face!!
Totally Laidback
Big Cheese!!
Ready for school, Wearing mommy's bookbag (It was empty)

07 March 2010

Pot Roasts, Math tests, and Watermelon!!

Sooo... I just started a pot roast for dinner.
Pot roasts are yummy.
And there about one of the few things that I can make decently (that I have tried anyway).

Ive been trying to eat at home more. Which means I sometimes do more cooking. Sometimes, you may ask? Well, my choice of food at the grocery store isnt always the best. I end up getting frozen easy stuff, and if I do get any cooked stuff it is simple stuff like hamburger helper, or mac and cheese. I need to cut it out. I bought a low fat cookbook, and I am going to make a list of all the things needed to make good healthy food. Ive started exercising somewhat, now I just need to eat correctly to go with that.

I should be doing some studying for algebra. I had planned on dropping the class because I had gotten so far behind in it, but Ive already dropped a class this semester that was an accelerated course, and I have to pass at least 66%of the classes I signed up for in order to keep the financial aid in good standing. with the algrebra class that would be 75%but if I dropped it they would more than likely take my aid away. I spoke with the teacher and he said that as long as I do not miss any more classes and I am producing at least D work on all remaining tests and homework that I will pass with a C grade. So I am hoping to do the best I can causeI didnt want to really drop this class in the first place. It sucks when your whole household is sick with a tummy virus. It seriously knocks you out of the loop and it sucks trying to get back in. But I am determined. If only so I dont have to take this class again next semester. I need math to be done with already.

Ive been giving the little guy fruit in his little net thingy. He usually loves the baby bananas, but he did not like the real thing. I dont blame him bananas are yucky! lol But he has taking a liking to another fruit that I cant stand. Watermelon! Eew!! But I am glad that he is taking a liking to fruit. He also liked the honeydew I gave him this morning. Man what a big little boy he is turning into. I watch him and I want another one already. It seems as though everyone I know (online and IRL (In real life))is ending up pregnant or are going through there pregnancy journeys, and I want to so badly. But I also want to wait. I want to finish a bit more schooling first so that way I am not trying to split my time between Cain, a new baby and school, it wouldnt be fair to Cain. the new baby or me in regards to school. So we wait.

When I got put on bed rest, I found a website that kept me sane. It was a website devoted to IC and women who have it. It was the best thing that could have happened to me at the time, because it gave me lots of information and the women I made friends with on there are the best support. Well, I bought a support bracelet from that website and I got it in the mail yesterday. Here it is:

Isn' it beautiful? The little blue bead is to signify Cain and the little pendant says hope. It was so worth it to me cause the woman who runs the site is amazing and I hope she keeps it up. She is an inspiration to me and when I start getting scared at the thought of having another baby I think of her. She beat IC 4 times. Amazing!

well to end this now and do my much needed studying, I'll leave you with some pictures of the little guy!

My stinker pulling up and playing in his crib

Cain and his handsome daddy

I like the way he is sleeping here... Backwards in his crib with feet crossed like mommy

04 March 2010

Teething, Crawling, and an AMAZING movie

I love watching Cain grow. It all happens so fast. One minute he is a tiny little baby, waking me up every couple of hours to eat and be changed. Now he is a big 22 lber and he is damn near crawling, and he's getting his second tooth, and pulling up all over everyting. I can't believe it. I look at the kids at work and I try to imagine Cain being a 3 year old, talking and running around and saying the funniest stuff. Kids are so honest, they tell you exactly what they think. Bayli- a little girl in my class- asked me the other day if I had another baby in my tummy. After I got done laughing, I had to explain to her that I do not- I am just fat. lol But it is things like that that I cant wait to see what Cain is going to come up with. At the same time, I am missing my little baby. I wish that they could stay smaller for just a little bit longer. I miss the little guy who wanted to be held and cuddled next to momma. My little guy does not like to be a cuddle bug. He is so curious and wants to explore. Which is good cause that is what he should be doing, but momma misses the cuddles hehe

As for the other part of what Bayli said. Yeah. I need to do something to lose some weight. Especially if I want to think about having another baby. I need to be in decent shape especially if I am going to have to do bedrest again. Not only that but I would look a little better, and I would probably have a little more energy. Now, to quit talking about it and actually doing it.
I watched 'The Business of Being Born' just recently. It was a very good documentary about having a baby in the hospital vs. going to a midwife and having a home birth. Before all the complications we were planning on having Cain in a birth center and I wanted a water birth. Post cerclage I was told that that was not possible because I was high risk. watching this movie made me sad for what I missed out on. I wonder though, when I have the next one, what about after the cerclage is removed? I wonder if it would be possible to have that experience then, assuming that it doesnt go as last time did and the cerclage is being removed at birth. If it is possible that may be something to look into. I wonder if I could do it. I had an epidural with Cain. I would like to think that I am strong enough to go au natural. It would be nice not to have all those IV's and stuff attached to you. I think it would be nice to be able to move around. Best of all would be the chance to help deliver my own baby. To be the one that brings him/her to my chest and to hold on to the baby for a few minutes. I didnt get that with Cain. Jav didnt get to cut the cord. Don't get me wrong, I think I had a pretty decent birth experience with Cain, I was lucky. But it would be nice to entertain the thought that maybe we might be able to do it the way we had wanted to the first time.

Well its time for me to go to work, so I leave you with pictures!