06 December 2009

19 Days Til Cain's First Christmas

I can't believe we are 19 days away from christmas already. 21 days away from Cain turning 7 months old. Time flies a hell of a lot faster when you have a child. Everyone told me this before I had him, but know I can see it. My tiny baby that was 6.12 when he was born is a whooping 20.9 pounds, 27 inches (almost a whole 10 inches longer than when he was born. he was 19 inches at birth). I can't believe that we are less than 2 months away from the anniversary of when I went on bed rest. Was that really a year ago already? I have a hard time believing it.
I watch him growing and learning and it amazes me every day to see the ways he changes and to see him going through the stages of growth babies go through. To watch him learn how to roll over. Learning how to grab toys. Smile. Coo. Laugh. I new I wanted to be a mother ever since I was little but I never knew that it would have such an impact on me. This was meant for me I know it. I will do it all again when we are ready to give Cain a brother or sister. Everything I went through is nothing compared to what some women have to go through, and I would do it all again to have another lil one. Everything is so worth it.
I know that this Christmas Cain will still be to young to have the absolute excitement that children have at these times in the year, but it will still be fun. Buying all his "firsts". His first Christmas ornament. Stocking. His first picture with Santa. His first Picture in front of his first Christmas tree. I plan on buying a wooden box from Michaels and decorating it with boy colors and putting the words "Cain's Firsts" on it. It will be a special box for him with all his first things that I have already begun saving. His first bottles he used when home from the hosptial, His first Passy's and his First Thanksgiving bib. His first Christmas ornament will go in there too after it has been on the christmas tree. Same with his first stocking etc. It is also going to be fun to watch him grow into all the toys he is going to get and be able to play with them all. I can't wait until he starts sitting up and crawling.

Jimmy and his girlfriend cam over and met Cain yesterday. Megan said that she would like to get Cain and Ireland together so that they can play with one another. I think this is a fabulous idea because Cain not being in daycare, he does not get the interactions that other kids do so I think this would be just perfect for him. Ireland is 4 months older than him, but I think that they would have fun. At least I hope lol. And lastly, what would a post be without pictures!!

My Handsome Baby in his bumbo
My Sleeping Angel
My, What a Handsome smile
Waking up mommy in the morning!
Going for a chilly early morning shopping adventure! All bundled up!

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