I am so proud of myself for being a responible mommy and getting a lot of my homework done last night so that I could spend the day with my gorgeous, handsome, baby boy!! yay me!! We got up this morning around 6:30 (Cain does not yet realize that that is a god awful hour to be awake, but this morning mommy took it in stride) and we hung out with Jav a bit before he went to bed. I realized that my pay check should have come through today and so I called my bank to get the balance. Sure enough it was there. It was then that I got the bright idea to get my Christmas shopping done early!I wasn't even going to do Christmas this year, what with work cutting my hours in half and me basically now only making enough to cover my bills and have just a little money left over. Well, I changed my mind. I decided to get christmas presents mostly for the kids, but got one for my Mom and Marcos, I got one for Rosie and I am gonna get one for my dad and Jav with my next "free" (non-rent)check. I got Alexis (Marcos's niece who grew up with around us, she is ten) and Elisa (my niece) these little princess dolls that are miniature and they come with a couple of different snap on outfits. I got my cousin Sammy (who is 14) a $15 gift card to I tunes because apparently she got an I pod touch and is all into that now. I got PJ (my Nephew) and Emmett and Stefan (my 8 and 10 year old little brothers) Transformers. Cain got 3 new books (4 if you count the Polar bear one I've already read to him) one of those ring stacker things where the rings are stacked on the yellow post and get smaller towards the top and I got him this little froggy rattle (momma's trying to pass her obession with froggies on to her son) that comes with these little pop boxes where you can push the thing in and it pops out. I don't think I'll share the adult gifts, don't want to spoil any surprises. I am glad that I got my shopping done before Thanksgiving this year. I hate trying to shop after Thanksgiving, hell I hate doing anything that involves going to a store after Thanksgiving. But it is done, and I hope that the last two gifts I have to run out and buy wont be too much of a hassle.
I did dress Cain in his little outfit we recieved in the mail the other day from his great Aunt Bibi. He looked so cute. I am not a NBA fan so I dont mind that she sent a Spurs outfit. Hell, Sean Elliot played for them along with Steve Kerr so they got some of there best players from right here (UofA).
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