14 November 2009

pregnancy story part 2: First Doctor's Appointment

So after all the waiting for my first appointment, and believe me, it seemed to take for ever, came around on November 20th. We got to do all the paper work (well, I got to do it) and then we met with the midwife. I was going to The Birth and Women's Helath Center and we were considering delivering there too. So when we met with the midwife she asked a bunch of questions, and afterwards we tried to get the heartbeat with the doppler. We were not able to pick it up and that made me kind of nervous. The midwife, after feeling my abdomen said that it was nothing to worry about. I was supposed to be 13 weeks pregnant based of my LMP (Last Menstral Period) but the midwife said that i was more like 8 to 10 weeks based on the size of my uterus. They had me do a pap and some blood work and they got what days worked best for me so that they could get me set up with a sonogram to date my pregnancy. So we left that appointment looking forward to getting a sonogram done. I had already told everyone on my side that I was pregnant but Jav kept holding out. I think he was nervous that I was going to miscarry like I did the last time. I was being optimistic. Everything was looking good so far so I thought that this time was going to be better than the last time. After all this time it was planned and not a surprise. We were happy about this. We wanted it. and here it was :)

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