19 November 2009

Pregnancy Story Part 3: First Sonogram

So my first sonogram was to date my pregnancy. We set it for December 4th because it was a Thursday and Jav had Thursdays off. I had to work but they gave me the time off to go to the sonogram. I came and picked up Jav and we headed off to Obstetrix. This was to date my pregnancy because we were not so sure what the due date was. I was supposed to be 15 weeks according to my last period, but the Midwife said that my uterus did not feel that big. So when we got to Obstetrix I had to fill out all the paper work and stuff and then we had to sit and wait for awhile. Apparently Obstetrix was a high risk practice contracted with the hospital, but it was also where lots of local doctors sent their patients to get sonograms. I would learn all about this later.So when we finally got called back we went back with the lady and she got us all set up in a room, and then the sonogram was under way!! we saw our little baby doing little flips in my tummy, it was the coolest thing!! she measured the baby and took some pics for us, and then we got to hear its heartbeat!! We hadnt been able to with the doppler yet, so this was the first time. I think at that moment is when it became real to the both of us. I got all teary-eyed and Jav was laughing and saying " How cool". We left with a revised due date from May 25th to June 28th. A five week difference!! We also left with some cute sonogram pics!

My sweet first sono pics!

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